Plagiarism Check:

Firstly, Zauq-e-Tahqeeq(Research Journal) checks plagiarism with the software recommended by HEC Pakistan. Secondly, it is checked manually by the team Zauq-e-Tahqeeq(Research Journal). If plagiarism is detected by the editorial/advisory board member, reviewer etc., at any stage of article process- before or after acceptance, during editing or at a proof reading stage, we will inform the same to the author(s) and will ask them to reconsider the content or to cite the references from where the content has been taken. HEC Pakistan has already set the acceptable limit of similarity index produced by the TURNITIN i.e. 19%.If the similarity with different sources is more than 19% but less than 25%, we prefer to send back the manuscript to the author and ask him to resubmit the paper after fixing that problem. But, if more than 25% of the paper is plagiarized, the article may be rejected and the same is notified to the author.

 Plagiarism Undertaking:

Authors must declare that their work is original at the time of submission. For this, an undertaking form has been given in the link below, stating that author has not plagiarized any material and if found guilty he shall be solely responsible and Zauq-e-Tahqeeq (Research Journal) reserve the right to take action against him. Author(s) are required to submit that form duly signed and stamped at the time of manuscript submission. In case if a paper has multiple authors, first/ principal author would be bound to take the responsibility of the plagiarism and only he would be required to submit the said undertaking