رومانوی اَدبی تحریک: تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Romantic Literary Movement: An Analytical Study
The word "romantic" is derived from romanceand in the Romance languages it is applied to the stories of love with an ornate backdrop, usually inspired by the adventures of medieval warriors and adventurous youth. Romantic movement started from Europe. The heyday of this movement in Europe extends to the middle of the nineteenth century. This movement was most popular in France, England and Germany. The reason for its spread in these countries was the changes in the conditions under the influence of which changes in the people's ideas took place. These changes are due to the political and social revolutions of Europe.In relation to literature, this word was first used in 1781 by Wharton and Bird. After that, in 1820 Goethe and Schiller started to apply romanticism in relation to literature. But as a term it was coined by Madame de Stael and Schlegel. Rousseau was recognized as the greatest pioneer of Romantic movement in Europe.Rousseau's ideas greatly influenced Europeans. But Rousseau's field did not extend beyond politics and sociology; in literature English poets played a vital role to promote this movement.Romanticism is a mode of expression in which the hold of imagination is stronger than that of thought.The Romantic writer prefers his passion and intuition to everything else.
References in Roman Script:
- Mohammad Khan Ashraf, Dr., Romanviat aur Urdu Adab Mien Romani Tahreek, Lahore: Sang-e-Mail Publications, 2014, p.122
- Siddiqui ,Abul Ijaz Hafeez(Murtba),Kashaf Tankidi Istlahat, Islamabad: Moqtadra Qaumi Language, 1985, p.91
- Ali Abbas Jalalpuri, Iqbal Kay Romani Afkar, "Mushul Adabi Dunya", 1962, No. 8: p. 9
- Encyclopedia Britanica, 15th Edition, Micropedia Volume-Vii, P.653
- Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Doctor, Romanviat aur Urdu Adab Mien Romani Tahreek,p. 52
- Ibid, p.84
- Ibid, p.38
- Ibid, p.38-39
- Ali Abbas Jalal Puri,Adbi Dunya, 1962, p.9
- Ehtesham Hussain, "Sayyid Yildirim Kay Sathi aur Romavi Afsana Nigari",Mashmola Pagdandi (Yildirim No.), Amritsar, 1961, Vol. 9, No. 5, p.96
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,Mohada Imrani,Mutrajam:Dr. Mahmood Hussain, Karachi:Shoba Tasneef-o-Taleef, University of Karachi,1964, p: 42
- Afrooz Ismail,Taraqi Pasand Afsana Nigaroon mien Romanvi Jamaliat Kay Anasir, Multan: Karwan-i Adab, S. N, p: 19
- Aristotle,Misali Riyast, (Mutrajam)Amjad Mahmood, Lahore: Book Home, 2005, p. 54
- Rousseau, Mohaida Imrani, p. 57
- Ibid, p: 61
- Ibid, p: 55
- Afrooz Ismail, Taraqi Pasand Afsana Nigaroon mien Romanvi Jamaliat Kay Anasir, p. 15
- Muhammad Hasan, Dr.Urdu Adab mien Romanvi Tahreek, Multan, Karwan-e-Adab, 1986, p. 16
- Muhammad Alam Khan, Urdu Afsany mien Romani Rujhanat, Thesis for P. H. D, Lahore: Punjab University, 1996, p. 43
- Syed Abdullah, Romanviat,Mashmola,Adab-e-Latif jubilee number, 1963, issue number 2.3, volume number 63, p.11-12
- Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Ph.D., Romanviat aur Urdu Adab Mien Romani Tahreek, p.97
- Muhammad Hasan, Ph.D., The Romantic Movement in Urdu Literature, p.15
- Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Ph.D., Romanviat aur Urdu Adab Mien Romani Tahreek, p. 35
- Mehr al-Nisaa, Translation of Wordsworth's Prefaces I and II etc., Dissertation for M. O Urdu, Lahore: Punjab University, 1956, p.19
- Muhammad Alam Khan, Urdu Afsany mien Romani Rujhanat, p:04
- Aziz Ahmad,Tamheed Botika Fan-e-Shairi,Arastoo,Karachi,Pakistan Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu, Second Edition, 1961, p.15
- www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/45882.Percy.Bysshe.Shellay
- Encyclopedia of Literary Scholars, Yasir Jawad, Editor, Islamabad: Academy of Literature Pakistan, First Edition, 2013, p.227
- Feroze Sons Urdu Encyclopaedia, Lahore: Feroze Sons, 3rd Edition, 1984, p.531
- Qamar Raees,Urdu Mien Bisvi Sadi Ka Afsanvi Adab, Delhi: Kitabi Dunya, 2004, p. 7-73.
- Muhammad Khan Ashraf, Dr., Romanviat aur Urdu Adab Mien Romani Tahreek, p. 27