“اُردو ناول میں علامتی اظہار کا آغاز اور ”ابن الوقت
The Beginning of Symbolic Impression in Urdu Novel and “Ibn-ul-Waqt”
Urdu Novel is influenced by the western novel from its beginning. Deputy Nazir Ahmad wrote many stories in late 19th Century and most of the stories are linear with straight plot, however the novel “Ibn Ul waqt” has its unique characteristics. In this novel, it is tried to portray a symbolic story by using many symbols in in the form of characters, clothes, fashions and professions. In this research it is focused to explore the impressions of the symbols in novel “ Ibn Ul Waqt”. The art of the novel in the subcontinent is the product of a specific background. The British colonial system provided the foundations for its initiation. In order to understand the beginning and evolution of the novel and the symbolic style, it is necessary to understand the specific political, social, social, and cultural background because the subject of the novel is an individual who has a specific social background. Although social realism And realism are the main symbols of the novel, but literary expression creates deeper meaning through symbolic scaffolding. Symbols are born from socio-intellectual evolution and also represent it.
References in Roman Script:
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