عبداللہ حسین کے افسانوں میں مہاجرت کی جہات

Aspects of Migration in Abdullah Husain’s Short Stories

  • Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Emerson University, Multan
  • Zarghona Kanwal Head of Urdu Department, Govt, Graduate College, Mamataz abad for Women, Multan
  • Dr.Farhana Kanwal Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Govt. Associate College, Sillanwali, Sarghoda
Keywords: Abdullah Hussain, Fiction, migration, types of migration, Problems of migration, master pieces, theme


Migration is the dominant theme in Abdullah Husain's fiction. It becomes a reference to his identification in Urdu literature. Migration is not only the part of his novels but also his favorite subject in his short stories. He has created short stories while making migration his main theme and touched the heartstrings of the readers. He has depicted such pathetic and painful scenes in his short stories that readers would be in shock and awe while imagining these scenes. Sometimes even it becomes difficult to stop tears. In short, we can say that he has created master pieces with his theme of migration.

       References in Roman Script:

  1. Naseem, Qaim Raza, Murtaza Fazil Lakhanvi, (Muratbeen), Naseem-ul-Luhgat, Lahore, Sheikh Ghulam Ali and Sons Educational Publishers, 1981, p. 239
  2. Ahmad Dehlavi, Syed, Murtab, Farhang Asafia, (Volume III, IV), Lahore, Urdu Science Board, 2010, p: 806
  3. Encyclopaedia Urdu, Volume No. 23, Lahore, Daira Maarif-e-Islamia, 1989, p. 116
  4. Khan Shahid Wahab,Urdu Fiction Mien Hijrat, Delhi, Educational Publishing House, 2005, p.21
  5. Shibli Nomani, Allama, Sulaiman Nadwi, Syed, (Muratabeen),(Sirat-ul-Nabi), Lahore,Maktaba Islamia, 2012, p. 197
  6. Muhammad Asim Butt, Abdullah Hussain Shakhsiat aur Fun, Islamabad, Akademi Adbiyat, Pakistan, 2008, p.45
  7. Abdullah Hussain, Jila Watan, (Mashmola), Nasheeb, Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2016, p.16
  8. Ibid, p:13
  9. Abdullah Hussain, Nadi (Mashmola), Nasheeb, also p.47
  10. Anwar Ahmed, Dr., Urdu Afsana ek Sadi Ka Qasa, Islamabad, Muqtadar QaumiZuban, Pakistan, 2010, p: 473
  11. Abdullah Hussain, Samandur, (Mashmola), Nasheeb, p.96
  12. Muhammad Asim Butt, Abdullah Hussain Shakhsiat aur Fun, p.56
  13. Abdullah Hussain, Dhoop, (Mashmola), Nasheeb, p.106
  14. Abdullah Hussain, Muhajireen, (Mashmola), Nasheeb, p. 143
  15. Abdullah Hussain, Bewa, (Mashmola), Fraib, Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2012, p.17


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How to Cite
Ashraf, D. M., Kanwal, Z., & Kanwal, D. (2023). عبداللہ حسین کے افسانوں میں مہاجرت کی جہات: Aspects of Migration in Abdullah Husain’s Short Stories. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 5(03), 220-229. Retrieved from https://zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/186